
Our team is currently doing research in these areas:


Anime Platformization

The Anime Platformization Project at the Platform Lab concerns itself primarily with investigating the role of platforms in global animation production and viewing.

Read our report on Anime Streaming Platform Wars here.


Super Apps Project

The Super Apps Project aims to describe and analyze apps that seek to control a market by offering a large suite of services, from social media to online payments and marketplaces, to become essential everyday intermediaries. A Lab Report is currently in the works on this topic.

Read our report on Super Apps here.


This project is a collaboration between Marc Steinberg and Joshua Neves of the GEM Lab examining the culture and politics of in/convenience, and will include three reading group meetings and culminate in a hybrid conference on April 21-22, 2022 (featuring: Neta Alexander, Armin Beverungen, Melissa Gregg, Orit Halpern, Mél Hogan, and Tung-hui Hu). 

For more information see